Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

Benefits of Masturabation

Masturbation turned out to be not just channeling desire loneliness boys, but women can also create. And this is a benefit for the girls masturbating.

Benefits for the Girls Masturbating

Everyone had a different sex needs including the girl who often makes masturbation as one way to satisfy a craving for sex. Speaking of masturbation, myths circulating that masturbation can make someone experiencing mental health problems is also damage to the genitals.

The good news, it turns out to be not true. In addition to meeting the needs of sex, masturbation can help identify your body further also has benefits for health.

Benefits for the Girls Masturbating
Image From: i.ytimg.com

Here are five benefits that you can get from masturbating

1. Healthy Vagina

Muscle contraction occurs when masturbation will also help you to relieve menstrual cramps and an orgasm will make healthy and strong

2. Love yourself

Mastrubasi will make you love yourself. The more you harmonise mind and body you then you will be more happy.

Read Also: Advantages and disadvantages of some Antiseptic

3. Sleep well

Just like after making love, orgasm when you masturbating will make you fast asleep and will be more slumbering.

Benefits of Masturabation in the Morning
Image From: ddmcdn.com

4. Have sex Better

Experts say that masturbating is one of the best ways to find out what you love to do while making love. Surely this will make it easier for you to get what you want from the pair of you.

5. increase Confidence

While you can appease yourself, then you will be someone who is more confident and able to make better yan view of life.

Girls 5 things that you guys will feel the benefits after you guys masturbating... GOOD LUCK

Sabtu, 29 April 2017

Advantages and disadvantages of some Antiseptic

 alcohol effects on skin photos
Image From: image.ec21.com

Advantages and disadvantages of some Antiseptic - The election form or type a good antiseptic is the main thing in making purchases in stores of chemicals in particular chemicals categories include technical or commonly referred to as an antiseptic. and here is an antiseptic, advantages and disadvantages as follows:


Benefits of alcohol for health, Ethyl and isopropyl alcohol 60-90% is good and chemicals are easily obtained and inexpensive. It is very effective in reducing microorganisms on the skin.

Also effective against viral hepatitis and HIV, do not used for mucous membrane (e.g. in the vagina), because alcohol dry out and irritate the mucous membranes and then stimulates the growth of microorganisms.

According to Larson (1995) alcohol is one of the safest antiseptic. Ethyl or isopropylalcohol 60-70% effective and less skin drying at higher concentrations, cheaper thanthe higher concentration. Due to the drying of the skin less, ethyl alcohol is more often used on the skin.

1. Benefits of alcohol:

Quick kill fungi and bacteria including mikrobakteri; isopropyl alcohol kill most viruses, including HIV and HBV; ethyl alcohol kill all types of viruses.

Although alcohol does not have the effect of killing persistent, rapid reduction of microorganisms on the skin, protects the organisms grow back even under the glove for a few hours.
Relatively cheap and available everywhere.

2. Disadvantages of alcohol:

  • Need emulien (for example Glycerin or propylene glycol) in order to prevent dryingof the skin.
  •  Easy drying of the skin.
  •  Easily inactivated by organic material.
  •  Flammable so need to be stored in a cool place or well ventilated.
  •  Damage the rubber or LaTeX.
  • Cannot be used as a cleaning material. (Syaifudin, 2005)

 disadvantages of alcohol
Image From: netdoctor.cdnds.net

Klorheksidin Gluconate (CHG)

Klorheksidin gluconate is an excellent antiseptic. He remained active against microorganisms in the skin a few hours after the giving and safe even for infants and children.

Because klorheksidin gluconate inactivated by SOAP, residual activity is dependent on its concentration. The concentration of 2-4% is recommended. The new formulation in water 2% and 1% klorheksidin without water, mixed alcohols are also effective.

1. Gain:

  • Broad spectrum antimicrobial.
  • Chemically active for at least 6 hours.
  • Chemical protection (the number of microorganisms hindered) increases with the use of re.
  • Influence of organic material is minimal.
  • Available commercial products, that public is mixed with detergent and alcohol.

2. Loss:

  • Expensive and not always available.
  • The effect of reduced or dinetrelisasi by SOAP, running water, and some hand cream.
  • Not effective against TB bacilli, good and effective against fungus.
  • Cannot be used at pH 8 due to experiencing > decomposition.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes, because it can lead to konjungtivitas. (Syaifudin, 2005)

Solution of Iodine and Iodofor

3% iodine solution is very effective and is available in a liquid form (lugol's) and tincture of iodine in alcohol (70%). Iodofor 7,5-10% iodine solution is mixed with polyvinyl pirolidon (providon) that secrete small amounts of iodine. PVI is iodofor common and available everywhere.

A number of iodine "free" indicates the level of the anti-microbial activity of iodofor(e.g. 10% contains povidon iodine 1% iodine, resulting in a "free" konsentrasil iodine from 1 ppm (0.0001%) (Anderson, 1989). Iodofor has a wide spectrum of activity.

He killed the bacteria vagetatif, mikrobakteria, virus and fungus. However, it takes 2minutes to release free iodine is chemically active materials. Since issuing the free iodine, it had the effect of killing quickly. Finally, the iodofor generally nontaksik and non-iritaif on the skin and mucous membranes, unless patients are allergic to iodine.

1. Advantage

  • Effects of broad-spectrum antimokrobial.
  • Liquid iodine preparations is cheap, effective, and available everywhere.
  • Does not irritate skin or mucous membranes, and are ideal for vaginal cleansing.
  • 3% solution does not stain the skin.

2. Loss:

  • Antimicrobial effect of slow or slowly.
  • Iodofor has a small residual effect.
  • Rapidly inactivated by organic material such as blood or sputum.
  • Iodine tincture or fluid can irritate the skin and must be cleaned from the skin after the dry (use alcohol).
  • Free iodine absorption through the skin and mucous membranes may result in hiptiroidisma in the newborn. Therefore restrict its use (Newman 1989).
  • An allergic reaction to iodine and iodofor can occur, so check a history of allergies.(Syaifudin, 2005)


Kloroheksilenol (para-kloro-metaksilenol or PCMX) is the vast silenol of halogen is available in concentrations of 0.5-4%. Kloroheksilenol solving with microorganisms break down cell walls.

This is an eraser germ activity is low (Fevero, 1985) compared toalcohol, iodine, iodofor and less effective in lowering skin flora than CHG or iodofor(Sheen and Stiles, 1982).

Because he penetrate the skin, may be toxic if smeared onsome part of the body, and should not be used in infants. Although, commercial products with kloroheksilenol with a concentration above 4% should not be used.

1. Gain:

  • Spacious has spectrum activity.
  • Just a little effect on organic matter.
  • Residual effect lasting up to several hours.
  • Minimal effect by organic materials.

2. Loss:

Inactivated by SOAP (surfactant nonionik), use for the preparation of the skin is reduced.
Should not be used on infants, because it can absorb quickly and potential poisoning. (Syaifudin, 2005)


Triklosan is a colorless substances contained in the SOAP as an antimicrobial. Concentrations of 0.2 – 2.0% have antimicrobial activity against gram-positive chefs are, mikobakteria and fungi, but not against gram-negative baksil, especially p. aeruginosa(Larson 2004).

Despite the attention dedicated to the resistance against this materialcould develop more ready than any other antiseptic ingredients, resistance on skin flora not found clinical research to date.

1. Gain:

  • Broad spectrum germicidal activity.
  • Persistence is very nice.
  • Little effect by organic materials.

2. Loss:

  • There is no effect against p. aeruginosa gram negative baksil or other.
  • Bacteriostatic (prevents growth only). (Syaifudin, 2005)

Minggu, 05 Februari 2017

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Health

Image From: hariansehat.com

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Health - Effects of water decoction of leaves of soursop indeed lately is getting revealed. It turns out the water decoction of soursop leaves can be used as a herbal concoctionas to treat a variety of ailments. Soursop leaves is very easy found around the US, and for Indonesia soursop is not difficult to grow. It turns out that the Lord had prepared a great remedy of soursop leaves.

Effects Of Water Decoction Of Soursop Leaves For Healing Cancer

Effects Of Water Decoction Of Leaves Of Soursop
Effects of water decoction of soursop leaves the first one is to cure cancer and couldalso as a precaution. Soursop leaves or Graviola contain anti-cancer called Annonaceous Acetogenin, which can kill the cancer cells without disturbing the other healthycells in the human body. Lately more and more people are testimony that once routinely drank water decoction of kankernya disease soursop leaves may be lost. For treatmen of cancer that is by boiling soursop leaf sheet 10 old (color green).

The amount of water approximately 3 gelasr (600 cc). Boil continuously until the water evaporates and lived more or less 1 or 1.5 Cup (200cc) only. The water stayed 1 glass of filtered and then for to sufferers every day twice, morning and afternoon. However, to monitor its development course must continue while consulting with doctors.
The effects of drinking the decoction of soursop leaves usually the abdomen will feel warm/hot, and sweaty bodies continued, similar to the effect of chemoteraphy. You have to remember that this medicine is herbal medicine, so the effect of his recovery is not quick, meaning that after drinking a routine for approximately 3-4 weeks the benefits of water decoction of soursop leaves new look.

The signs of this herbal medicine membasik of which the condition began to improve, the more sufferers could be active again, and after a review of lab/doctor turns kankernya cells begin to die and dry out, while other cells grow like hair, nails, and others not at all disturbed. If you googling on the internet is already many testimonials from cancer patients who use herbal remedies. Currently there are several companies that sell drugs or soursop Graviola leaves it in capsule form, making it much easier and practical drink.

This is one example of a capsule soursop leaves already extracted and taken its course, I recommend this herbal remedy because of the 100% natural and soursop leaf extract which worked awesome. For more details click on the image below.

Another Effects of water decoction of soursop leaf
Image From: bambangsudjatmoko.weebly.com

Another Effects of water decoction of soursop leaf

On certain areas of information about the benefits of soursop leaves inherited hereditary. Soursop leaf utilized by people Indonesia to treat some diseases. As an example, Sundanese (West Java) and soursop fruit leaves menggunakana young for high blood pressure-lowering drugs, while the people of Aceh using soursop leaves to treat sick coughing.

Read Also: Benefits of Mangoes Leaves for Diabetes

Meanwhile, in the area of South Sulawesi, soursop leaves can be used to heat loss. Even today there's been a doctor and herbalist who prescribe thesoursop leaf to overcome some of the disease. Not only in the country, in the country of lainpun leaves and fruit soursop is not only used as foodstuffs, but also utilized for medicinal and natural pesticides.

The main function of soursop leaf that is killing the cancer cells of the pancreas, lung, kidney, pancreas, breast, prostate, and colon, leukemia, while the other uses are:

-Eliminate free radicals, drying out the cancer cells, heal inflammation in the body, and especially increase the stamina of patients so that the body is not weak.
-Cure inflammation, such as sore throat, colon, digestion, ambeien, and diabetes.
-Prevent and cure gout
-Cure diseases of high bad cholesterol levels.
-For men, soursop leaves add to the amount of sperm and to strengthen.
-The immune-boosting.
-That's the usefulness of water decoction of soursop leaves, may be useful